Have you ever found yourself in a situation where you have taken a beautiful photo, and unwanted shadows ruined it? We know it might be super frustrating. But it can easily be fixed by using some photo editing tools.

Let’s find how to get rid of shadows in pictures by following a few simple steps.

You have to resize the image and add some shadowing details to it once it’s been adjusted. Whatever approach you use, make sure your shadow details are perfect.

5 Easy Ways to Remove Shadows in Pictures


There are quite a few photo editing tools online if you’re seeking a more comprehensive solution. Finding the appropriate photo editing tool will allow you to modify offline and online images. And most of the tools are free, apart from one Photoshop with numerous paid features.

So, to begin with- how do you get rid of shadows in the picture?

To get rid of shadows in pictures, you can use the following apps for free!

  • Snapseed
  • Photoshop Fix
  • LunaPic
  • Photoshop Fix
  • TouchRetouch

Method 1: How to Get Rid of Shadows in Pictures Using Snapseed

Google’s Snapseed is a cost-free image editor. It’s an excellent approach to removing shadows from your photographs without learning Photoshop. Any dark shadows in your images can be fixed with this program.

Follow these instructions to use Snapseed to remove the shadows from your image:

  • First, open the Snapseed app.
  • Inside the app, you will find the option to import your picture.
  • Once you import the picture from which you wish to remove shadows, go to Tools>Tune Image>Shadow.
  • Snapseed’s “Healing” feature lets you zoom in on your image and erase any undesirable shadows.
  • Select it and use your finger to draw over it to erase a shadow.
  • Select Tools>Selective to even further erase the shadow.
  • The Selective option allows you to modify a specific area of an image that you believe requires additional brightness.
  • After modifying the image, click “Export” to save it.

Method 2: How to Remove Shadows in Pictures Using Photoshop

Photoshop can be a better alternative for you if you want a more comprehensive tool with more editing features. This software has various tools that can be used to modify your image completely.

Follow these steps to get rid of the shadow from your photo:

  • The first step here is again to open the Photoshop app.
  • Import your picture and either select the Polygon Lasso tool or the Pen tool. Now ensure that the tools you selected keep you inside the shadow area in your picture.
  • If you make a mistake in the middle, hold the shift key and continue sketching over the shadow region.
  • After you’ve finished, use the Alt/Option key to delete the part you don’t need.
  • Make a selection out of the path you choose. Make a selection by right-clicking and selecting “Make Selection.” This will allow you to change the radius of the Feature.
  • Set the radius of the Feature to 0 and press OK after that.
  • Finally, finish up the process by going to Edit>Fill>Content Aware>Normal Blending Mode and keep the picture to a 100% opacity level.

Method 3: How to Remove Shadows from Photos Using LunaPic

LunaPic can be a wonderful solution if you want to clear out shadows without using any tools or software. This program is simple and does not require any previous photo editing experience. It includes several tools for creating detailed masks of regions of the image that you want to increase brightness.

To remove shadows from photos using LunaPic, follow the following steps:

  • Upload the image you want to edit and go to Cut Out Tool>Scissors.
  • Select the entire area in the picture that you want to remove shadows from.
  • Click on Remove and then Inpaint. This will conceal the edited area.
  • Finally, conclude the process by saving the photo as a PNG file.

Method 4: Get Rid of Shadows in Pictures Using Photoshop Fix

Photoshop Fix may be a better alternative for you if you want a more comprehensive tool with more editing options. This app has many features that can help you totally modify your photo.
Professionals and photographers use it to alter photographs. It contains the most significant tools for editing and enhancing your photos!

Follow these procedures to remove the shadow from your photo:

  1. Start Photoshop.
  2. Select the Polygon Lasso tool from the toolbar. If you want to be more precise, you may use the Pen tool.
  3. Always stay within the shadow transition.
  4. If you make a mistake in the middle, hold down the shift key and continue sketching over the shadow region. After you’ve finished, use the Alt/Option key to delete the part you don’t need.
  5. Create a selection from the path you choose. Make a selection by right-clicking and selecting “Make Selection.” This will allow you to change the radius of the Feature.
  6. Make sure the feature radius is set to 0.
  7. Press OK
  8. Select Edit->Fill->Content Aware->Normal Blending Mode and set the opacity to 100%.

Method 5: How to Get Rid of Shadows in Pictures Using TouchRetouch

TouchRetouch is another tool for eliminating shadows. It aids in the removal of undesired things from our photographs. This program is ideal for novices who wish to modify their photos quickly and easily. The shot may be entirely adjusted and the shadow eliminated with just one brush.
This program is incredibly user-friendly thanks to features like the Clone and Selection tools.

To remove the shadow from your photo, follow these steps:

  1. Launch the application.
  2. Open the image you want to alter and import it.
  3. Select output picture resolution from the app’s navigation bar.
  4. Now use the Lasso tool or the Brush tool to erase the shadow.
  5. Draw the area around the shadow you want to get rid of.
  6. If you use the Brush tool, make sure you adjust the brush tool’s size to fit the image.
  7. Go to the bottom of the screen and press the start button.
  8. The shadow will go away with time.

Read Also: How to Add a Drop Shadow in Photoshop?


So, now you know how to get rid of shadows using 5 different methods. There are plenty of other ways to remove shadows from your picture. But these 5 are the most convenient and effective ways for the task.

Remember that you can use any free tools to remove the shadow from the image. But some other online tools may allow you to use free features for the task but keep their watermark if you don’t use the paid tools.

Frequently Asked Questions

How can you avoid shadows when clicking a picture?

For outdoor photography, you can avoid shadows by placing the sun or other forms of light behind the object. And for indoor photography, you can do this by using a reflector.

How can you get the best lighting when clicking pictures?

The best way to get the perfect lighting when clicking pictures is to use a broader light source and place the light source close to the object. Never use flash to increase lighting in your photographs.

Can you erase a background shadow from the photo?

Yes, you can erase background shadows from the photo by using the 3 mentioned methods in the article.

Can a dark shadow be removed from a picture?

Yes, a dark shadow can be removed from a picture using Photoshop, PhotoAid, and plenty of other tools and apps.

Can you get rid of harsh shadows in a photo?

Lightening the shadows is the simplest approach to make them less harsh. However, since shadows are darker than ambient light, you’ll need to raise the temperature to mix the shade with the rest of the scene.