For ecommerce, images play a vital role in telling customers about the products.

And to convince the visitors, grow sales, and establish the brand, the product images on your website and social media must be excellent. They give it a more polished, sophisticated appearance and feel, drawing more potential customers towards your business.

So are you worried about your business and thinking of how to edit product photos for an ecommerce website? Then the following tips will help you.

9 Tips to Edit Product Photos for Your Ecommerce Website


Here are some tips on improving your product photography to make your business more appealing, from photoshoots to editing!

Engaging a skilled photographer:

Engaging a skilled photographer

The best course of action is to let the pros take and edit the product images if you’re working on a high-budget project, including product photography.

Make sure you pick the proper photographer, considering their background and abilities. They are familiar with a vast array of tools, skills, and expertise that raise the caliber of your pictures. So, ensure they can capture your desired images by looking through their portfolio.

Removing the background:

Removing the background

Removing the background helps draw the viewer’s attention to the products. To effectively edit product images for e-commerce websites, you must first master this important skill.

The elimination of the background is a common step in eCommerce photo editing. The background can be readily removed using photo editing software if you shoot against a white background.

To achieve consistency across various product photographs, you can eliminate an unmatched backdrop and use a new one in its place.

Adding natural shadows for realistic appearance:

After deleting the backdrop, you should re-add a shadow to the item’s base. There are three primary sorts of shadows. An object placed in direct sunlight creates cast shadows.

The fact that this shadowing effect is the simplest to create gives it a significant advantage. A drop shadow makes the object look photographed from above, with the sun shining directly down on it.

Read More: How to Add a Drop Shadow in Photoshop

This effect is frequently employed for footwear and works well for items like furniture because it makes it easier to see the furniture in one’s own home.

You can use reflection shadows to create a product on a reflecting surface that looks dramatic. These shadows are typically utilized for items you see in a display case, such as jewelry, sunglasses, and watches.

Correcting Exposure:

One of the most crucial methods to alter the appearance of your images is by adjusting the exposure, which is the amount of light in them. In an image that has been overexposed, the bright regions will appear washed out and lack definition.

Like an overexposed image, an underexposed image lacks light and seems gloomy with lost details and shadows. By adjusting the value or using the exposure slider, you can modify the exposure till your photo looks good.

Also Read: How to Fix an Overexposed Photo

Cropping Unnecessary Items:

Cropping Unnecessary Items

It’s one of eCommerce’s most fundamental photo-editing advice; however, some people still disregard it. After the photoshoot, you can crop it if you realize that certain parts of the image are unnecessary and should be removed. Fortunately, eliminating unnecessary things is simple.

According to photographers, cropping is the most basic adjustment you can apply to any image. With simple tools, you can quickly remove an unnecessary component without compromising the overall beauty of an image. Typically, the procedure takes a few seconds.

Reshaping the item to attain balance:

You can enhance a product’s visual appeal by reshaping it. On occasion, while taking the picture, you could mess up the composition, which will alter the overall perception of the photograph.

Professionals advise utilizing Photoshop’s Liquify Tool to modify product photos when this occurs. It allows you to move or remove some pixels without sacrificing quality. You may accomplish symmetry and make your things appear flawless with this method.

Spot Retouching:

Despite using a high-quality camera, it’s possible that your product images still contain unanticipated dust, hair, or imperfections. You must grab a sample from a specific picture section and clean up any blemishes.

During photo editing, minute imperfections and loose threads can be eliminated. For instance, Photoshop provides several choices as below:

You may remove the blemishes in a photo using the Spot Healing Brush.

While working similarly, you can eliminate undesired elements from a photograph with the patch tool.

Cleaning the gear before photography will also be very beneficial.

Correcting colors:

Correcting colors

It’s not easy, but adjusting the colors in product photos is necessary. Numerous internet shops provide multiple things with the same design but various color schemes.

Modern color correcting techniques have made it unnecessary to photograph every object to display a range of hues, thanks to their capabilities. You can capture photographs of a single object, then use a specialist program to change its color.

Optimizing photos:

When you edit product images for online sales, you can process images to fix flaws and make them more suitable for your online shop. Don’t upload any huge files, please. You can reduce the website’s load time by downsizing your files and changing the resolution.

Additionally, you should review the specifications of the e-commerce platform you intend to use. The size of an image is typically expressed in pixels, for instance, 500 x 400.

The ideal size for an online store is between 600 and 800 pixels, with a resolution of 72 pixels per inch. Since they are both in the same menu, adjusting the resolution and resizing your image simultaneously is simple.

However, when altering photos for e-commerce, avoid changing the image’s aspect ratio because you risk mistakenly stretching or squashing your shot. Set the width and height parameters; the rest will alter on its own.


Given the fierce competition in the eCommerce industry, you must go above and beyond to keep your current customers and get new ones. The visual appeal of your platform is crucial to its success.

Since the things you sell cannot be touched, you must use photographs to give customers as much information as possible about each item.

Additionally, you should spend enough time editing eCommerce photos to remedy flaws, remove distractions, and generate appealing images. Hopefully, you will get the desired outcome if you follow the advice given in this article.